2007年11月25日 星期日

My trip to Chunghua

It was a holiday, I was so boring, so I decide to go to Chunghua to walk around to find my friend, Felix, who has been living in Chunghua for years.

That day was very hot, and I ride my bike and brought a bottle of water, then I was on my way.
At first I went to the wrong direction and lost my way. And I called Felix for help for the way to Chunghua, then I found the way and soon I got to Chunghua and met Felix. He was so kind that he treat me a lot of foods of Chunghua. After eating, we went to 八卦山 , the views there was so good that made I even didn't went home .鹿港 is also a great place that I like . The food there was so good and there was so many people.

It was a very good experince , I think I was already love this place.

2 則留言:

iachiwen 提到...

Hi,this is Carol.
You did a good job. However, I found an error in your composition. I hope it can help you do the work better.
“It was a holiday, I was so boring...” Take a look at this (http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/conjunctions.htm ) website. “It was a holiday, I was so boring...” You need to put a conjunction in this sentence. The correct answer is “It was a holiday, and I was so boring...”
(3 points)

Mandycheng 提到...

Hi my friend, my name is Mandy. I have seen your composition already. There is a mistake inside.

According to web:
"It was a holiday, I was so boring, so I decide to go to Chunghua to walk around to find my friend", you don't keep the sequence of verbs tense. All the tenses in your article are the past, so you need to change "decide" into "decided".

As the above-mentioned, there is an error in the sentence as "That day was very hot, and I ride my bike". You need to keep the sequence of verbs tense as changing "ride" into "rode".

After reading your article, I feel Chunghua is a worthful place to visit on holidays. I will try it!!