2007年11月25日 星期日

My Favorite Sport

Basketball is my favorite sport. The first time I played basketball was in the senior high school. Since then I have always wanted to play basketball in PE classes. Sometimes, my classmates and I stayed after school and played basketball until the guard scolded us home. Even on holidays, we would wake up early and took bus to play basketball. This may be the reason why I am healthy and tall and have a strong body.

After entering the university I joined the school team. I began to learn many tactics and rules, and I grew to become a stronger player. Basketball is about teamwork, which is why I love basketball and my team.

My position is center, though I’m actually better at free throws and perimeter shooting than playing low post. My favorite player is Dirk Noritz. (Mine is Tim Duncan. May both teams have a nice, enjoyable game 7) He is also good at free throws and perimeter shooting, even at three-point shooting? In fact, he got the three-point shootout title in 2006. His best move is fade-away shot. Because he is 7-feet tall and in cooperate fade-away shot, almost no players can block his shot. (Almost, except in game 5)

Now I am the leader of the team, and I wish I could be better at this sport.

3 則留言:

Mandycheng 提到...

Ben, i think you are concentrate on this article, and give the topic sentence at first. It is a good way to write a nice article. Although you are lying that saying you are tall, you still write your favorite player and their action about free throws or three-point shooting. Anyway, you do well on this article.

Mandycheng 提到...
Mandycheng 提到...

Ben, i think you are concentrating on this article, and give the topic sentence at first. It is a good way to write a nice article. Although you are lying that saying you are tall, you still write your favorite player and their action about free throws or three-point shooting. But there are still some errors in it. First, “ Since then I have always wanted to play basketball in PE classes.” You have a mistake of informal usage, according to the web http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/progressive.htm
The verb” want” is a stative verb which is a cognition verb and not an action, so do not use that kind of verbs in the past perfective. Second, you have another mistake of local errors in “This may be the reason why I am healthy and tall and have a strong body.” According to the web http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/sequence.htm
Because your article is all the past tense, you must keep the sequence of verb tenses. Just change “may” to “might”. The last, there is still a mistake in “He is also good at free throws and perimeter shooting, even at three-point shooting?” According to the web http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/punctuations.htm#exclamation%20point
When a sentence is finished, you must use a period, or if you want to emphasize one sentence, you must use the exclamation point. So changing “?” to “!” is fine.