2007年11月24日 星期六

Movie of my life

Movie is one of my favorite I like to do when I am free. Movies reflect our regular life and our culture. There is no denying that go watching a move is relaxing and interesting for modern people. When it comes to movie, I always think it of more entertaining than watching boring program, reading books, and what not. As far as I concerned, my favorite movie is ''Mission Impossible"

How much to do with my favorite movie is I like the challenge of the characters. I think the exciting movie was a kind of method to loss stress, whenever I watching such movies, I can do what I can to save people from danger situation, especially saving a beautiful woman from the bad man. Secondly, I enjoy feeling the hurried condition. I can image if I were the bad man, what should I do next? And on the contrary, if I can be the here, how could I save them from quite a bad situation in a small period of time? According to what I mention above, it is exciting to feel the completely nervous environment. And what I can account for why my favorite movie is” Mission Impossible” is I can let the dream of save people's life come true in the imaging story of the movie!

2 則留言:

Mandycheng 提到...

Hey my name is Mandy.

I think we have the same opinion with watching a movie. I like to watch a movie with my family and friends. And so do you!! However, there are still a lot of mistakes that you made.

According to the web: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/clauses.htm
"Movie is one of my favorite I like to do when I am free." This whole sentence is including two clauses which should be seperated. And you should use one word "that" to lead "Movie is one of my favorite", so put "that" behind "favorite".

According to the web: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/plural.htm
"Movies reflect our regular life and our culture." What you want to express is a plural form like "our culture". But it is a plural form, so you must change it into "our cultures."

According to the web: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/article.htm
"When it comes to movie", in orer to describ a noun must use one article putting in front of a noun. So you should change it into "when it comes to a movie".

According to the web:http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/basicparts.htm
"As far as I concerned," a complete clause includes a subject, a verb and an object. But this clause doesn't have a verb, you must change it into "as far as I am concerned".

According to the web: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/basicparts.htm
"whenever I watching such movies" this clause also has no verb to form a complete clause. Just modify it as "whenever I am watching such movies". I think you always make this kind of error, be careful!

According to the web: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/sequence.htm
"I think the exciting movie was a kind of method to loss stress" this clause's tense is present, so you must keep the sequence of verb tenses, Changing "was" into "is" is better.

According to the web: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/article.htm#articles
"if I can be the here" an article like "the" or "a" is used to modify a noun, but some special nouns as sports, subject or language,etc do not need to put one article in front of it. And so does "here". Change it into "if I can be here".

According to the web: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/prepositions.htm
"is I can let the dream of save people's life come true in the imaging story of the movie" if a preposition will connect with a verb, that verb should be a gerund. So change "of save people's life..." into "of saving people's life...".

iachiwen 提到...

“Movie is one of my favorite I like to do when I am free.”
I think the correct sentence is “Watching movies is one of my favorite things I like to do when I am free."