2007年4月10日 星期二

Reflection of ''The Missing Piece Meets the Big O”

This is a very cute and significant story.

At first, missing piece was too independent, and he always tried to find a roll that can fit him. But it changed when he met Big O. Big O told him that he could roll by himself. He didn’t believe at the moment of hearing it, but he finally did succeed by his effort.

After reading this story, I think every one should not be too independent to others. Everyone have his own talent. Never forget your own advantage and take good use of them.

1 則留言:

Felix2007 提到...

Dear Ben:

I think most of your writing is good, but you still have some little problem.

Like the second paragraph, you used a word "independent". I think you want to use "depedent". I think maybe you use the wrong word.

And i agree on your viewpoint. You think every has their telent. I think it's right. As saying goes "It takes all sorts to make a world." I think it's true to everyone.

Best wishes,